Class:- common.
Class:- Heavyweight.
Class:- Thrower
Class:- Support.
Brock is a common brawal who is unlock at a trophy road upon reaching 1000 trophies. He has a low amount of health, but he has the potential to dash ot high amount of damage due to his range and high damage.
Movement speed:-720
Health:- At the level of 1 his health is 2600 and it goes on increasing by 130.
Attack & super:-Rockin Rocket and super is rocket rain.
Dynamike is common brawler who is unlocked as a trophy road reward upon reaching 2000 trophies. He has low health and high damage output.
Class:- Thrower. Movement speed:- 720.
Health:-At the level of one his health is 2800 and it goes on increasing by 140.
Attack & Super:- Short Suse and super is Big Barrel O' Bomb.
El primo is a rare brawler who attack with his fists dealing major damage to enemies whom he is able to get close enough to. El primo also has very high health, allowing him to withstand a lot of damage.
Movement speed:- 770.
Health:- At the level of one his health is 6000 and it increase by 300 in next level.
Attack & super:- Fists of fury and his super is flying elbow drop.
Barley is a rare brawler who attack by throwing bottle of harmful liquide that covers a small area on the ground, dealing damage to enemies in that area over time.
Movement speed:- 720
Health:- At the level of one his health is 2400 and it goes on increasing by 120.
Attack & Super:- Undiluted and super is last call.
Poco is a rare brawler who attack with waves of low damage music notes, piercing enemies in its incredibly wide spread and range. He has moderate-high health but low damage out put.
Movement speed:- 720.
Health:- At the level of 1 his health is 4000 and it goes on increasing by 200.
Attack & Super:- Power chord and his super is Encore.
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