In the official website of PUBG MOBILE this image is share and if we see carefully in this image there is 15x scope, is there will be a 15x scope added in pubg mobile also? Let's see on 8th September
In the new ERA anti-cheat will be improved because most of the player are killed by hackers most of the time and they can't do anything therefore pubg mobile has announced anti-cheat Improve
Some players use hacks and they kill genuine players by hacking, the hacks like they use another device and on that device they spected themselves and by wall hack they spot the player and kill them this will not happen from pubg mobile will take action on them and ban
From 8/20 to 8/27 pubg mobile has banned 2,273,152 players and 1,424,854 devices these are very big number pubg mobile is taking action on the hackers this is good
PUBG MOBILE will ban the hackers if they are using this hacks and almost all the hackers are using this hacks
PUBG mobile has announced a new era of 1.0 and this leaks are about new seasons outfits, guns and new modes. pubg mobile has announced that on there website we aill see this update on 8 september, so get ready for this awesome update
PUBG mobile has anounced that in this update we will get new 2.0 payload mode
season 15 100RP outfit is base on samurai theme, we will able to choose the outfit there are male outfit (Samurai Ops Outfit) and female outfit (Blackwing Outfit).
May be these outfits will come for spins or crates but these 4 outfits are also very nice.
Here is one more outfit and its name is The Speedster Duo where we can chose male and female outfit may be it will come for crates like pubg mobile chines version (game of peace) where we can choose our outfits when we get it.
This AKM upgradable sking base on Halloween theme and it looks cool and it will be for spin.
Second skin is M416 upgradble name SUMMON THE WILD is awesome and it will be for crate.
Each agent has four abilities, though you won’t have access to them all immediately. each agent has a signature ability, as well as an ultimate that charges over time. Between each round, you can buy charges for the two other abilities that are specific to whatever agent you’re playing as, in the same way you’d buy guns or armor.
Every action Valorant gives you a set amount of creds. if your team wins a round everyone will get 3,000 creds, while losing a round everyone gets 1,900. After two losses in a row, the team gets an additional 500 Creds for that round, and for there losses in a row, there's a bonus of 1000 creds for that round
Lets start from our first agent
Updraft:Updraft spawns a gust of air like Tailwind, though it propels you upward, allowing you to reach unreachable places
Cloudburst:Cloudburst fires a projectile that expands into a cloud, blocking the vision of anyone caught on the wrong side. You can also curve Cloudburst by holding down the ability key.
Signature: Tailwind – Use a strong gust of air to dash in the direction you’re moving.
Ultimate: Blade Storm – Spawns a range of floating daggers that resupply when you kill an enemy. You can throw the daggers one at a time or unleash all of them in a burst, and they kill instantly on a headshot.
Jett is one of the most versatile agents in Valorant.Technically, she’s a Duelist, and she certainly excels in aggressive situations. However, you can use abilities like Cloudburst and Updraft defensively, too, allowing you to adapt to the flow of each round. When planting, Cloudburst works wonders for blocking passageways, and Updraft is perfect for reaching a new vantage point. You shouldn’t stand still with Jett for too long, though.
She shines most when darting around the map, using Tailwind to move between cover and Blade Storm to pick off unaware enemies. Outside of defending a plant, playing as Jett requires quick movement and precision, so definitely brush up on your aiming before entering a round as her.
Trapwire:Trapwire, as the name implies, allows you to shoot a tripwire that will reveal and daze any enemies who walk through it. You can pick up the tripwire if it hasn’t been destroyed and redeploy it, too.
Cyber Cage:Cyber Cage deploys a cage in front of Cypher that blocks vision. The cage will also make a noise when enemies pass through.
Signature:Spycam – Spycam allows you to fire a camera wherever you’re aiming. If you reuse the ability, you can take control of the camera and fire marking darts at enemies.
Ultimate:Neural Theft – Use intel from a dead enemy to reveal the locations of all living enemies.
Cypher is a Sentinel focused on revealing enemy locations above all else. You should use Spycam at whatever bombsite you’re not near. That way, you can keep an eye on that location, while revealing enemies who come into range. Trapwire and Cyber Cage work best offensively, stacked on top of each other. Trapwire will slow the enemy, and Cyber Cage will alert you of their presence, allowing you to sneak in a kill before your enemy can recover.
Stim Beacon:Stim Beacon spawns a field in front of Brimstone that grants RapidFire (increased fire rate) to anyone inside.
Incendiary: Incendiary allows you to use a grenade launcher that fires incendiary grenades. These grenades don’t explode on impact. Rather, they burst shortly after coming to a stop, creating a damaging fire zone.
Signature: Sky Smoke – Using a tactical map, Sky Smoke allows you to deploy smoke clouds from the sky. These clouds last for a while, and in the process, obscure enemy lines of fire.
Ultimate: Orbital Strike – Orbital Strike allows you to fire a laser from the sky using a selected location on the map. The laser deals damage over time to anyone caught inside.
Brimstone is a Controller, though he’s much more aggressive. As Brimstone, you should be near the firefight, though not on the front line. Stim Beacon works great at the beginning of a round, granting increased fire to your team, and Sky Smoke and Incendiary can cut off flank routes. As Brimstone, your goal is to trap enemies in a particular area, allowing your teammates to easily pick them off with increased fire. Any stragglers are easily dealt with using Orbital Strike.
Barrier Orb: Barrier Orb spawns a solid wall wherever you fire it, while Slow Orb creates a field that slows players and prevents jumping
Slow Orb: Note that Slow Orb applies to all players, not just your enemies.
Signature: Healing Orb – Incredibly versatile, Healing Orb allows you to heal yourself or your teammates. A standard shot will administer healing over time to a teammate in your crosshairs, while alternative fire will heal Sage.
Ultimate: Resurrection – Resurrection allows you to revive a dead teammate. The process takes time, though, so be careful when using this ability.
Sage is a medic. She’s an excellent agent to start as if you’re new to Valorant. Sage wants to stay out of firefights as much as possible, using her abilities to keep the opposing team at bay while keeping your teammate’s health stocked. Resurrection, in particular, is very powerful, allowing you to revive a Duelist to finish off the enemy team.
Aftershock:Aftershock allows you to shoot a charge through a wall, dealing damage to anyone on the other side.
Flashpoint: Flashpoint works similarly, blinding any players on the other side of the wall rather than damaging them.
Signature: Fault Line – Spawns a seismic blast, which causes an earthquake in a straight line leading away from Breach.
Ultimate: Rolling Thunder – Use a seismic charge to cause an earthquake in a selected path, even through walls. The earthquake dazes enemies and sends them flying upward.
Breach is an Initiator, like Sage, teamwork is essential when playing as him. His abilities are focused on disorienting rather than damaging, so working with the Duelists on your team is critical. Because you can use most of Breach’s abilities through walls, he’s a machine when it comes to getting enemies out in the open. Use Aftershock to break enemy cover and give your teammates a clear shot, or utilize Flashpoint to stun enemies camping near a bombsite.
Boom Bot: Boom Bot spawns a robot that explodes when it reaches an enemy.
Blast Pack: Blast Pack allows you to use something similar to C4, where you can throw a sticky explosive and detonate it at range.
Signature: Paint Shells – Paint Shells spawns a cluster grenade that deals damage to anyone nearby. Upon exploding, the grenade creates smaller projectiles, which damage enemies at range.
Ultimate: Showstopper –Powerful but not exciting, Showstopper simply grants you a rocket launcher.
,Raze is a Duelist who specializes in explosives. Boom Bot and Blast Pack pull double duty. For unaware enemies, a blast from either of these abilities is enough for a kill. In the more likely event that your opponents are aware of them, they’ll push enemies out of cover and into view, allowing you and your team to pick them off.
Shrouded Step: Shrouded Step allows you to quickly teleport to a selected location.
Paranoia: Paranoia fires a blinding orb that obscures vision and deafens all players in range. You can use Paranoia through walls, too.
Signature: Dark Cover – Throw a shadow orb that explodes into a shadow sphere, blocking vision.
Ultimate: From the Shadows – Use a tactical map to automatically teleport to a selected location. During the teleport, Omen will appear as a Shade, which enemies can destroy to cancel the teleport.
Omen is sneakily powerful, even if his abilities don’t deal direct damage. He’s a Controller, and although all of his abilities are focused on impairing the enemy team, you can get creative with how you use them. Paranoia, for example, is great for picking off an enemy around a corner, as well as breaking up an incoming assault. From the Shadows works wonders when used properly, too. With it, you can break the enemy line and kill opponents from behind.
Owl Drone: Owl Drone allows you to use an aerial drone to spot enemies, though it’s susceptible to gunfire
Shock Bolt: while Shock Bolt equips your bow with an electrically charged round that detonates upon collision.
Signature: Recon Bolt – Fire a recon bolt that reveals enemy locations within a limited range.
Ultimate: Hunter’s Fury – Fire three energy blasts in a straight line leading away from Sova. These blasts travel the length of map, ignoring walls, damaging enemies, and revealing the locations of anyone hit.
Sova is an Initiator, though he works in offensive and defensive roles. Recon Bolt is great at the beginning of a match for spotting enemies moving in on a flank, while Owl Drone can mark the enemy team from the opposite side of the map. Like Cypher, Sova demands coordination with your team.However, Sova can handle himself, too. Hunter’s Fury and Shock Bolt are great offensively, allowing Sova to fight alongside the Duelists without any problems.
Blaze laze: allows you to spawn a flame wall that slowly moves in the direction fired, damaging any enemies that pass through it.
Curveball: Curveball spawns a flare orb that will detonate after throwing. You can curve both of these abilities around corners.
Signature: Hot Hands – Use a fireball that travels through the air and explodes into flames after a set time. These flames deal damage to enemies while healing you.
Ultimate: Run It Back – Place a marker near Phoenix that grants you an extra life if you die while it’s active. If the timer expires before you die, you’ll be brought back to the same location at full health.
Phoneix has a very well-rounded list of abilities. He’s a Duelist, so you should be on the frontlines when playing as him. In close encounters, use Hot Hands to break up the fight and heal yourself a bit. In long-range encounters and around corners, Blaze works great, forcing enemies to either move out of cover or risk being damaged.
Soul Harvest: Enemies drop Soul Orbs when killed, which last three seconds.
Purchasable: Leer and Devour – Leer shoots a destructible eye in front of Reyna, limiting enemy vision to only what’s immediately in front of them. Devour allows you to consume a Soul Orb to rapidly heal over a certain duration. You can heal past 100 with Devour, though any extra health will degrade over time.
Signature: Dismiss – Consume a Soul Orb to become intangible, and if Empress is active, invisible.
Ultimate: Empress – Drastically improve your fire rate, equip speed, and reload speed immediately. Killing an enemy while Empress is active renews the duration. Empress will also automatically cast Devour, though it won’t consume a Soul Orb.
Reyna wasn’t in the Valorant closed beta, rather launching alongside the game. It seems Riot is already changing things up. Reyna is the first agent with a passive ability. As a Duelist, Reyna wants frags. More importantly, she needs frags to make use of most of her abilities.
Turret: Deploys a turret that fires on enemies within a 180 degree cone.By default, her Turret will be placed outwardly but you can press E to rotate so it faces you.You cannot manually spin the Turret around like you can with Sage’s wall.
Purchasable: Alarmbot -Nanoswarm A grenade that turns invisible .It deals a high amount of damage and can kill enemies very quickly if they don’t leave its radius quickly.Equips and deploys an invisible bot that acts like a proximity mine, jumping to an enemy that comes within its range and explodes.When the mine is set off or destroyed, you’ll see a red visual alert on the map.It doesn’t deal damage on its own but will grant a debuff that causes its target to temporarily receive double damage
Ultimate: lockdown The source of this agent’s name is most likely inspired by her ultimate, which places a device that emits a bubble dome in a large radius.After 13 seconds, it will detonate. All enemies who are hit will be severely slowed andunable to use their gun or abilities for 8 seconds.The device can be destroyed (150HP) but its effect doesn’t require line of sight so Killjoy will be able to hide it, such as under Ascent’s A Site Hell or behind the arches of Ascent’s B Site.
At 27 August there is 1.5gb update in PUBG beta version and in evoground section there is our favourite INFECTION MODE because of that there are possibilities the infection mode will come in PUBG MOBLE let's see get ready for 8 september
Infection Mode, is the main highlight of that update , which was released in 0.14.0 version of PUBG Mobile. It is also popularly known as Player vs. Zombie mode in which a single server will consist of 12 real players who will fight with each other according to their character. Two teams will fight with each other, i.e. Defenders and Zombies. Defenders need to defend themselves, and zombies need to infect defenders to win the game respectively. This mode can be found under the section of Evo Ground, and the teams are not fixed. 3 Players will randomly turn into Zombies after the beginning of the round and rest of the 9 will play as Defenders .
Defenders Team
Always stay away from each player before the beginning of the round. You don't know which player will become a zombie and immediately infect you if closer to you.
Take a high location, which will take some time for zombies to climb.
Use Jumping tubes to avoid the zombies quickly.
Use sword ability when a bunch of zombies is near you.
Always use weapon with a higher fire rate
Zombie Team
Use blocks instead of stairs to climb. This will make difficult for defenders to aim.
Always stay in a group of 2-3 Zombies to easily infect the defenders.
Use your ability at a perfect time rather than using it unnecessarily.
Try to attack from the back of defender rather than going from in front of him.
Use the stealth mode as much as possible to sneak your enemies.
Between 17 weapons, two kinds of armor, and charges for three abilities, there are a lot of options during each buy phase ofValorant. As any Counter-Strike player knows, money is a precious resource in these types of games, so you don’t want to waste money on a weapon that simply doesn’t make the cut. We’ve gathered stats and recoil patterns for every weapon in the game, and in this Valorant weapons guide, we’re going to cover them all.
Before diving in, note that our recoil images were taken at 5 meters. As distance increases, the recoil becomes more exaggerated, so it’s best to use the practice range to brush up on your go-to weapons. Our images are merely a reference of how the recoil behaves overall, rather than a graph of where specific shots will land.
Primary Fire
Fire rate: 6.75 rounds/sec
Alt Fire
3-round burst
Spread increase
Fire rate: 2.22 rounds/sec
0m-30m: Body 26/Head 78/Leg 22
30m-50m: Body 22/Head 66/Leg 18
Magazine Capacity
Wall Penetration
Your starting weapon isn’t a bad one. Although uninspiring, the Classic deals decent headshot damage, even at range. It has virtually no recoil, too, and it’s the only sidearm with an alternate fire mode. When using the other mode, the Classic shoots three bullets at once, similar to a shotgun. There’s an increased spread, of course, but it’s much less exaggerated than a shotgun. Plus, each bullet deals the same amount of damage.
Primary Fire
Fire rate: 3.3 rounds/sec
Alt Fire
Damage (15 pellets, damage per pellet)
0m-9m: Body 12/Head 36/Leg 10
9m-15m: Body 22/Head 66/Leg 18
15m-50m: Body 3/Head 9/Leg 2
Magazine Capacity
Wall Penetration
Outside of the Classic, the Shorty is the cheapest weapon in Valorant. Like the Frenzy, it’s better than it looks on paper. It excels in midrange encounters from 9m to 15m, dealing nearly twice as much headshot damage as the Bucky with the same number of pellets. For the early game, the Shorty is a fine weapon, though it quickly becomes outclassed. With only two rounds at your disposal, every pellet has to count.
Primary Fire
Fully automatic
Fire rate: 10 rounds/sec
Alt Fire
0m-20m: Body 26/Head 78/Leg 22
20m-50m: Body 21/Head 63/Leg 17
Magazine Capacity
Wall Penetration
Like the Shorty, the Frenzy is better than it seems at first. It shouldn’t be your main weapon, but in a pinch, it serves as a stand-in SMG. For encounters short of 20m, the Frenzy deals the same amount of damage as the Spectre, only with a slightly decreased fire rate. The big difference comes from the magazine size, where the Frenzy holds less than half the rounds of the Spectre. Considering it’s only one fourth of the cost, the Frenzy is still very impressive. Keep in mind that it has much higher recoil, however.
Primary Fire
Fire rate: 6.75 rounds/sec
Alt Fire
0m-30m: Body 30/Head 105/Leg 25
30m-50m: Body 25/Head 87/Leg 21
Magazine Capacity
Wall Penetration
The Ghost is basically an upgraded version of the Classic. It has the same rate of fire, a slightly increased magazine size, and increased damage numbers. The important number is the headshot damage below 30m. In the first round, assuming your opponents aren’t already purchasing armor, you can sneak in a few one-hit kills. Plus, you’ll stay silent on the mini-map thanks to the Ghost’s silencer. It’s not an extremely powerful weapon or anything, but in a pinch, the Ghost gets the job done.
Primary Fire
Fire rate: 4 rounds/sec
Alt Fire
0m-30m: Body 55/Head 159/Leg 46
30m-50m: Body 50/Head 145/Leg 42
Magazine Capacity
Wall Penetration
The ultimate sidearm, the Sheriff has some high damage numbers for a handgun. Headshots at less than 30m can take out a fully armored opponent, while headshots farther than 30m can take out a lightly armored opponent. As is the case with a lot of sidearms, though, the Sheriff is overshadowed by more powerful primary weapons. It’s not the cheapest gun, either, making it hard to justify in the mid-game. Early in a match, though, the Sheriff does work, so keep it in mind.
Primary Fire
Fully automatic
Fire rate: 18 rounds/sec
Alt Fire
4-round burst
1.15x zoom
Spread reduction
Fire rate: 4 rounds/sec
0m-20m: Body 27/Head 67/Leg 23
20m-50m: Body 25/Head 62/Leg 21
Magazine Capacity
Wall Penetration
The Stinger doesn’t have that high of damage numbers, but it has a blistering fire rate. In primary fire, you can empty almost the entire magazine in a second, allowing you to send more bullets at your opponents than they can send at you. The recoil isn’t too bad, either, especially considering the fire rate. Like most SMGs, though, the Stinger operates on thin margins. It can empty a magazine in around a second, but that also means you’ll need to reload. The Stinger presents a high risk/high reward strategy that can pay off in some cases. Plus, it’s cheap.
Primary Fire
Fully automatic
Fire rate: 13.33 rounds/sec
Alt Fire
1.15x zoom
Slight spread reduction
Fire rate: 12 rounds/sec
0m-20m: Body 26/Head 78/Leg 22
20m-50m: Body 22/Head 66/Leg 18
Magazine Capacity
Wall Penetration
The Spectre might be the most balanced gun in Valorant, which is to say, it’s not all that exciting. It has a solid fire rate, still north of all of the assault rifles, and the headshot damage is good, even at range. The body and leg numbers are pretty bad, though. The Spectre is best used in short, controlled bursts at the head. As you can see from the recoil pattern above, however, that’s hard to do. The Spectre kicks a lot more than it looks like at first, so try limiting your bursts to only a few bullets.
Primary Fire
Fire rate: 1.1 rounds/sec
Alt Fire
Semi-automatic air burst
Fire rate: 1.1 rounds/sec
Damage (15 pellets, damage per pellet)
0m-8m: Body 22/Head 44/Leg 19
8m-12m: Body 17/Head 34/Leg 14
12m-50m: Body 9/Head 18/Leg 8
Magazine Capacity
Wall Penetration
It’s a little crazy how much more expensive the Bucky is compared to the Shorty, considering the two weapons have similar damage numbers and the same number of pellets (the Shorty even has a higher rate of fire). The Bucky, however, excels in very close quarters encounters, less than 8m. Aiming between the head and body, you can usually take down a fully armored opponent with one burst. Don’t count on all of the pellets hitting, though. Even at 5m (pictured above), we were never able to get all 15 pellets to hit.
Primary Fire
Fully automatic
Fire rate: 3.5 rounds/sec
Alt Fire
Damage (12 pellets, damage per pellet)
0m-10m: Body 17/Head 34/Leg 14
10m-15m: Body 13/Head 26/Leg 11
15m-50m: Body 10/Head 20/Leg 9
Magazine Capacity
Wall Penetration
It’s a little difficult to showcase what the recoil pattern for the Judge looks like. Above, you can see where we landed after the third shot, with the recoil moving upward and to the right. As for the gun itself, it’s fine, though not all that powerful. Anything beyond 15m is out of the Judge’s wheelhouse, especially with only 12 pellets. Although the damage numbers are passable at this range, the Judge already has a large spread, which is only exaggerated at distance. In cases where you want a shotgun, the Bucky or Shorty usually get the job done just as well, only cheaper.
Primary Fire
Fully automatic
Fire rate: 9.15 rounds/sec
Alt Fire
1.25x zoom
3-round burst
Fire rate: 4 rounds/sec
0m-50m: Body 35/Head 116/Leg 30
Magazine Capacity
Wall Penetration
The Bulldog isn’t a bad gun overall, but the price is hard to justify given how superior the Vandal and Phantom are. There’s no damage drop-off, thankfully, and a single headshot can kill an unarmored opponent. However, by the time you can afford to buy a Bulldog, you can probably afford to buy a Vandal or Phantom, and those guns simply deal more damage. Furthermore, your opponents will likely have armor by that time.
Primary Fire
Fire rate: 6.5 rounds/sec
Alt Fire
1.5x zoom
Slight spread reduction
Fire rate: 6.5 rounds/sec
0m-50m: Body 65/Head 195/Leg 49
Magazine Capacity
Wall Penetration
Out of all of the rifles, the Guardian deals the most damage. A headshot can kill a fully armored opponent, with some extra damage to spare. Body damage isn’t bad, either, considering the Guardian doesn’t have damage drop-off. The problem with this weapon stems from the fact that it’s semi-automatic and it’s about as much as the Phantom or Vandal. Like the Bulldog, it’s hard to justify a Guardian when the other two rifles are available, especially with the Guardian’s lower rate of fire and decreased magazine size.
Primary Fire
Fully automatic
Fire rate: 11 rounds/sec
Alt Fire
1.25x zoom
Slight spread reduction
Fire rate: 9.9 rounds/sec
0m-15m: Body 39/Head 156/Leg 33
15m-30m: Body 35/Head 140/Leg 30
30m-50m: Body 31/Head 124/ Leg 26
Magazine Capacity
Wall Penetration
The current Valorant metagame revolves around the Phantom and Vandal, and looking at the stats, it’s clear why that’s the case. The Phantom has decently high recoil, but much less than it could have considering its high 11-round-per-second fire rate. The important numbers come from damage, though. At 15m or less, a single headshot is enough to kill, even with full armor. There’s a drop-off in damage as distance increases, but headshot damage is still north of 100. Headshots are critical when using the Phantom. The damage numbers from body and leg shots are pitiful in comparison, no matter the distance.
Primary Fire
Fully automatic
Fire rate: 9.25 rounds/sec
Alt Fire
1.25x zoom
Slight spread reduction
Fire rate: 8.32 rounds/sec
0m-50m: Body 39/Head 156/Leg 33
Magazine Capacity
Wall Penetration
The Vandal is very similar to the Phantom. In fact, the two weapons share damage numbers. The Vandal trades a little magazine capacity and some fire rate for high damage across distances. No matter if you’re 5m away or 50m away, a single headshot is enough to kill at full armor, turning the Vandal into a pseudo-sniper rifle that can fire nearly 10 reconds per second. It’s more powerful than the Phantom considering that, but only in the right hands. The Vandal suffers from much higher recoil than the Phantom, and as such, is best used in accurate, short bursts.
Primary Fire
Fire rate: 1.5 rounds/sec
Alt Fire
2.5x zoom
Slight spread reduction
Fire rate: 1.2 rounds/sec
0m-50m: Body 101/Head 202/Leg 85
Magazine Capacity
Wall Penetration
For a well-trained shot, the Marshal is a bargain. It has little sway, even when firing from the hip, and the headshot damage can take out enemy and armor in one shot. If you’re a sniper, this is the gun you should reach for when your team is doing a partial buy round. The only thing to keep in mind is the zoom. The 2.5x zoom doesn’t get you very far, so proper aim is critical when using the Marshal.
Primary Fire
Fire rate: 0.75 rounds/sec
Alt Fire
Dual zoom (2.5x, 5x)
Significant spread reduction
Fire rate: 0.75 rounds/sec
0m-50m: Body 150/Head 255/Leg 127
Magazine Capacity
Wall Penetration
The most expensive weapon in the game, the Operator really doesn’t justify its price tag. In terms of damage, it’s a step up from the Marshal, but only by a bit. The change in headshot damage doesn’t make a difference — both guns kill at full armor — but the body and leg numbers set the Operator apart. Although neither can kill a fully armored opponent with a single shot, they get pretty close. Plus, the Operator has a dual-zoom scope, allowing you to properly line up your shots. The Operator is an upgrade over the Marshal, there’s no doubt about that. However, since it’s the most expensive gun in the game, you should be confident enough with the Operator that you’ll be able to use it for multiple rounds.
Primary Fire
Fully automatic
Fire rate: 10-13 rounds/sec ramp
Alt Fire
1.25x zoom
Slight spread reduction
Fire rate: 10-13 rounds/sec ramp
0m-30m: Body 30/Head 72/Leg 25
30m-50m: Body 28/Head 67/Leg 23
Magazine Capacity
Wall Penetration
The Ares isn’t a bad gun considering its price, though there are better options in the rifle range if you have some extra coin. The damage numbers aren’t inspiring, but they get the job done as long as you’re going for headshots. With a ramp from 10-13 rounds/second, though, you’ll need to have your aim down. As you can see in the image above, the Ares kicks back hard with some nasty recoil. Aim shots so that they start around the stomach. That way, by the time you’ve reached the weapon’s full fire rate, you’ll be sending bullets toward the head.
Primary Fire
Fully automatic
Fire rate: 12-15.6 rounds/sec ramp
Alt Fire
1.25x zoom
Slight spread reduction
Fire rate: 15.6 rounds/sec ramp
0m-30m: Body 38/Head 95/Leg 32
30m-50m: Body 31/Head 77/Leg 26
Magazine Capacity
Wall Penetration
The Odin isn’t the best gun in the game at first sight. It doesn’t come with a significant damage boost, and it costs twice as much as the Ares.
The Odin stands out thanks to its ammo capacity. You can store 100 rounds instead of 50. The alternative fire mode is another feature that sets it apart. The fire rate ramping up is one of the drawbacks of the Ares, but you can bypass this feature by switching to the alternate fire mode on the Odin. You can also reduce recoil by using the zoom feature.